Play & Learn Summer Literacy Camp
Now in its 14th year, this summer program aims to provide a rich play-based learning environment for children 6-9 years of age from low income families, aboriginal, and who had been identified by their school as not yet meeting expectations in Literacy and/or Numeracy. All children are referred by the school principal and/or School Based Team.
The camp is FREE, provides healthy snacks and lunches, takes children on weekly educational field trips, and helps to improve their self-confidence and enjoyment in reading, writing, math, and physical literacy.
Each year, this successful camp has deterred "summer fall-off" for these early learners. Hundreds of children in the Sooke Region have maintained or improved their literacy skills each summer at Play & Learn Camp.​​​​​​
Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence (PISE) at Camosun
Government of Canada
Sooke Harbourside Lions
Sooke Rotary
Sooke Lions
Andy's 2-for-1 Pizza
School District #62 (Sooke)
T'Sou-ke Nation
Cathy's Corner Cafe
Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences
SEAPARC Leisure Complex